Hair loss is a common problem. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin that is produced in hair follicles in the outer layer of skin. Hair loss without scarring of the scalp is a very common condition and affects most people at some time in their lives. Common balding occurs in men and women and is due to the effect of testosterone metabolites in genetically susceptible hair follicles. Signs of hair loss and hair loss conditions vary between men, women and children. However, people of any age or sex may notice more hair collecting in their hairbrush or in the shower drain.

The signs of hair loss and hair conditions in men may include:

  • Thinning hair on the scalp
  • A receding hairline
  • A horseshoe-shaped pattern that leaves the crown of the head exposed

Signs of hair loss and hair conditions in women may include:

  • General hair thinning, especially at the crown of the head

Signs of hair loss and hair conditions in children and young adults may include:

  • Sudden loss of patches of hair
  • Complete loss of all hair on the body
  • Patches of broken hairs and incomplete hair loss on the scalp and/or eyebrows
  • Excessive shedding of hair, but not complete baldness, after various illnesses and drug treatments, rapid weight loss, anemia, or stress.


  • The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary male- or female-pattern baldness.
  • If you have a family history of baldness, you may have this type of hair loss. Certain sex hormones can trigger hereditary hair loss. It may begin as early as puberty.
  • A physical or emotional shock may trigger noticeable hair loss.
  • Hormonal changes can cause temporary hair loss like pregnancy, childbirth, discontinuing the use of birth control pills, menopause.
  • Hair loss can also be due to medications used to treat:- cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis, depression, heart problems.
  • Traction hair loss can be due to hairstyles that put pressure on the follicles by pulling the hair back very tightly.
  • A diet lacking in protein, iron, and other nutrients can also lead to thinning hair.


  • There are some recommendation like rubbing onion or garlic juice, cooled green tea, almond oil, rosemary oil, tea tree oil, honey, or coconut milk into the scalp.
  • Don’t wear tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, or buns that put too much pressure on your hair.
  • Try not to pull, twist, or rub your hair.
  • Make sure you’re eating a balanced diet that includes adequate amounts of iron and protein.
  • Wash your hair with anti hair fall shampoo and conditioner only every other day. 
  • Always pat the hair dry and avoid rubbing your hair.
  • Style your hair with heated tools, only do so when your hair is dry. Also, use the lowest settings possible.


  1. nice information for hair loss
    thanks for share

  2. Got to know about a lot of things.
    Thank you.

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