How To Check Hair Health

hi, this is the skincare blog. we're going to talk about hair health today.

So for instance if your hair feels if you just touch your hair and if it feels very dry and rough of course or visible aspects if you check the ends of the hair they have split ends and they feel very weathered many times discolored we color our hair very commonly any treatment that you do to your hair is eventually going to result into dryness and roughness of your hair if you have oily hair you would start feeling the oiliness of the scalp more often.

This is say after a day of washing your hair or shampooing your hair the scalp generally feels more oily and the hair will stick around and it will give you more flatter look so that's a definition of an oily scalp and oily hair so do not be restricted or rigid about you know washing it only say twice in a week or once in two days.

If you feel it's oily you can actually wash it every single day let's talk about the porosity of hair now how do you check onthe porosity generally you know just take a clean scalp and hair once you've after the shampooing on your airdried hair just put some water and when you spray that water say about 4 or 6inches so the distance you will see the water either will all of it will just seep in which means your hair is really porous.

Which is not a good idea which means everything that you're exposed to it could be environment sunrays or any other pollution everything's gonna get absorbed because of the high porosity when you do the water test and the water just the water droplet just slides onto the hair which means it is not that Morris which is again not that good because it's created certain layer and if you want the serums to be absorbed it's not gonna help or it's not acting.

What it's supposed to be doing now when you do the test again and suppose the water slides for a bit and after few minutes gets absorbed so that is a good porosity now let's talk about the elasticity to quite an extent on physical examination also you could understand the elasticity so what you do is just take one strand of your hair and just pull it not to the level where it breaks off but just slight tension on the hair strand and it coils back.

So that's good elasticity generally when your hair is in good health all of this will fall or you know as one of the indications of good hair so the luster the shine the density all of that defines of good hair health basis which you will actually you know a lot a lot of things help you get the healthy hair it's not just the products.

It's not just how many times your washing basically it starts from genetics how your raw you know you've been inherited the genetic aspect of good density then is your diet and you can actually have say even if you have thin hair you could actually you know monitor your diet and make sure that everything is in order for healthy hair the other thing very commonly I talk about is your you know blood levels of b12 and d3 are directly influencing your hair health if you find this article informative please like us on our Facebook page. 


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