How To Take Care Of Skin Pigmentation

Hi everyone, This the skincare blog today we will be talking about skin pigmentation is one of the primary reasons why most people seek outa dermatologists help one of the common causes of skin pigmentation is that as we all know Indians are mostly having brown colored skin and any kind of injury like a small acne breakout usually lens to pigmentation.

The second and the most common cause again we see is something called melasma which is a hormonal pigmentation which runs often in families may it was by sun exposure and one of the third common causes of- pigmentation could be the any judicious use of creams which are supposed to help for pigmentation which are usually available over-the-counter let me talk to you about how these three things can be tackled.

If you do have acne make sure you do not stick at it because speaking at ridges makes it the more marks or no pigmentation than ocean make sure you speak to your dermatologist and use a gel based sunscreen which can prevent pigmentation developing on these acne marks.

The second thing is to use a skin lightening cream which is safe and contains mostly glycolic acid or kojic acid which will help to lighten out these marks effectively the second cause that I mentioned which can cause pigmentation is melasma now unfortunately melasma is in herited so if your family suffers from Ella'smccann keep it at bay by using abroad-spectrum sunscreen regularly and at frequent intervals

So that the Sun does not damage your skin further you will think skin lightening creams containing retinol glycolic acid as a leak acids also help to lighten of the skin remember treatments such as bleaching the skin may actually end up harming your skin and making the pigmentation worse to avoid all these treatments.

The third reason that I mentioned was use of over-the-counter fair screen some of them contain sensitizing agents or steroids which actually make your pigmentation much worse so if you're picking up a screen make sure you discuss it with your dermatologist who can advise to whether this will give you a benefit or can advise you a medical cream which might be more suited for your skin type finally remember whatever you are doing make sure your sunscreen is on every day even on a cloudy day because UV radiation is different from sun or visibility of the sunlight.

So you might be thinking that it's actually a cloudy day and you don't need sunscreen but you need sunscreen to keep your skin from going dark even when you're on good skin lightening products that is your safety value thank you for reading please do comments to skin berries to get more articles and updates and leave a comment below if you found this useful.


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