Vitamin C Serum Latest Review


hi guys this is skincare blog and in this article i will be talking about my first experience of using vitamin c on my face on my skin so i recently bought this vitamin c serum from this brand called derma co well derma co is a brand which you know which makes products for your skin and hair and they are all clinically formulated.

So you can go to their website and or shop products online in fact you know they also offer an assessment form where in you know you can write your skin concerns and basically it's like a questionnaire so you have to answer that and then they suggest you products accordingly well i didn't do that I just straightaway went and bought this vitamin c serum because i really wanted one for my skin and I wanted to experience if it really works so before i start talking about this vitamin c product in detail and how it helps our skin. 

If it worked for me or if it did not work for meum I just want to tell you two things quickly firstly if you guys are wondering those who know me and in case if you guys are wondering how come I have these long hair today well I am wearing these uh this ponytail extensions which is from diva divine so if you want that i will put a link in the this article and you can also use coupon code derma20.

secondly, now let's begin with the main topic of this article which is vitamin c so we'll talk about what this brand actually claims to offer uh so this is how the packaging looks like and the vitamin c comes in this bottle so this is a 20 vitamin c serum which has phaleric acid and hyaluronic acid in it.

So it's a combination of these three thing suh when phyletic and hyaluronic acids are great for our skin they help to keep your skin hydrated most lubricated they keep the tissues lubricated and moist so which is very very good in fact our skin produces hyaluronic acid but you know with age the production reduces so it's very important that we apply serums and creams which has this ingredient present and this vitamin c since it hadall these ingredients I was very very tempted to buy now what vitamin c does I'm going to tell you exactly so I'll be telling you about these three main ingredients that are present in this serum well vitamin c it says that vitamin c evens and brightens the skin tone which i actually needed hyaluronic acid improves the appearance of vitamin C serum improves blemishprone and acne-prone skin.

The third ingredient which is falluric acid it says it significantly increases antioxidant protectionuh it's suitable for anyone who has adult complexion uneven skin tone and texture. so I told you about the three main ingredients that are present in the serum apart from that it has a lot of other uh ingredients as well uh so it's a big list can't read all of that right now so how you need to use it is make sure that your face is absolutely clean of course and then apply this serum all over your face I think three to five drops are enough hand then on top of it you can moisturize your face with whatever moisturizer you're using and in case if you're using this serum in the morning then it says that you should always apply a sunscreen. 

So this is something that you should remember whenever you apply a vitamin c on your skin always apply asunscreen on top of it because it can react with this in sun exposure and can cause damage to your skin so a sunscreen is must in the morning if you're using vitamin c so this is about it's how to use it and the ingredients and stuff nowwhen i received this product obviously itold you all i ordered this product online this is how the bottle looks so this is a 20 ml bottle and it costed me 899 rupees sorry guys excuse my hands the mehndi is just fading away it looks uglyall right let me just try to show the bottle like this so this is a 20 ml bottle and this is the packaging it comes in of course it comes in a box first and then the serum comesin this bottleuh i didn't get any discount but yesthere are some bloggers who are offering coupon codes so maybe you can use that and get some discount well i didn't get any discount I bought it for 8.99 rupeesand uh it is made in india so that's the best part about it and i really want it and that is one more reason why i wanted to try this vitamin c because it's made in India but yeah so I'm gonna tell you about my experience of uh using this vitamin cuh serum so it's been four weeks I thought you know I will record every week how my skin feels which I tried recording.

I just could not see any difference so hence i deleted those article so I use this serum I firstly I always had to apply a moisturizer on top because my skin is dry so it was not giving me that enough hydration and moisturization which I actually needed and I have used it for four weeks i have not seen a major difference in my skin I have some pigmentation here little spots here as it claims that all the dark spots and the pigmentation reduces after its use well that did not happen in my case.

however, you know I spoke to other people who have been using derma co  products so they are very happy with some of their products but again vitamin c when it comes to vitamin c some of them said that yes they have not seen a huge difference in it uh in their skin so the same thing happened with me also i didn't see any difference in my skin like not a major difference something that i could spot no it didn't happen for me so uh yes i was quite disappointed with the that because it is an expensive bottle it costed 899 rupees how ever there are other vitamin c serums that are available in the market for a lesser price so i bought one recently which again i will start using in few weeks and I will tell you all how it felt and if I saw some results if i saw a little change in my skin but where as when it comes to this product absolutely there is no though the skin that i was expecting I was expecting a little glow.

I thought my dark spots will reduce well that did not appenbut however I still have little trust in this derma co brand because of course it is uh you know it is made by dermatologists the products are made by dermatologists so of course they have to be good but i don't know just this particular product was not for me or maybe it wasnot for my skin type maybe i need to try something else so yes this so yes this is so my experience with derma co vitamin c serum in case if you guys are planning to buy any dermaco products i would say go visit their website take the assessment you know you have to send the pictures to them of your skin and then they suggest you the productsaccordingly maybe you can do that or else of course or else you wait for the review of my other vitamin c which I have bought recently i won'treveal the brand name here right now only once i you know test that product on my skin see how it works for me and if i see anykind of changes in my skin only then ithink i will recommend that brand to you guys so but yes vitamin c is great for your skin but yes you have to make sure that if you apply it during the day you have to apply it along with the sunscreen you have to apply good sunscreen on top of it that's about it well i am honestly looking forward to trying more clinically formulated products so in case if you guys have any suggestion for me then do let me know in the comment section below

Thanks for reading this article I hope you got helpful information from this Bye


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