How To Check Hair Health

hi, this is the skincare blog. we're going to talk about hair health today. So for instance if your hair feels if you just touch your hair and if it feels very dry and rough of course or visible aspects if you check the ends of the hair they have split ends and they feel very weathered many times discolored we color our hair very commonly any treatment that you do to your hair is eventually going to result into dryness and roughness of your hair if you have oily hair you would start feeling the oiliness of the scalp more often. This is say after a day of washing your hair or shampooing your hair the scalp generally feels more oily and the hair will stick around and it will give you more flatter look so that's a definition of an oily scalp and oily hair so do not be restricted or rigid about you know washing it only say twice in a week or once in two days. If you feel it's oily you can actually wash it every single day let's talk about the porosity of hair now how do yo...